Blogger Layouts

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power - the world will know peace."

First off I have to say I was completely blown away with love and support today. Today was the first annual Arthrogryposis Awareness Day, everyone was asked to wear blue to show support! For the last couple days I have logged on to see nothing but blue support on my Facebook page. People took pictures of themselves and their families wearing blue just for AMC and some just for Bailey! It brought tears to my eye's knowing that even though we sometimes feel alone in our journey we are far from it. Love is a beautiful thing in all essence of the word!

Only updates I really have are that Bailey was seen at Shriners on Friday 6/25 about her foot and to get her hips re-xrayed.

I was so nervous before this appointment and I couldn't for the life of me figure out why, we've had a dozen appointments more important than this specific one but for some reason I was really un-easy for days before this appointment.

Come to find out I was un-easy because there was something wrong, nothing to drastically worry about at this moment but still significant. Dr. vB confirmed that Bailey has hip dysplasia but is HOPEFUL that they are starting to come down by the looks of the xray. So they are going to keep a close eye on it and as long as nothing changes between now and next year they will just xray around her 3rd birthday and then talk about options of what to do if things have not changed. He was also concerned that Bailey is still semi bow legged and she is almost 2. He thought that may be contributing to her right foot issues. They changed her AFO's all up, added tons of new pads and built up the bottoms on the outer side of the foot on each one. She hasn't had them long enough yet for me to say what I feel about them but she does seem to be keeping her foot flat so far!! Hopefully they help and we don't have to go back for 2 to 3 months! :)

There are no more important appointments until August, thank goodness!

I will update in July on how thing's are going with her AFO's and if she starts doing any new thing's. She never ceases to amaze me, her vocabulary is getting bigger by the day. She is one smart cookie! :)


"Fall into me, my arms are open wide and you don't have to say a word cause I already see that it's hard and you're scared and you're tired and it hurts and I wanna be the one you reach for first."